Glycolic Acid Skin Care Products - Do They Work?

Alpha hydroxy acids or AHA's are present in many glycolic acid skin care products including anti aging and anti wrinkle treatments as they noticeably improve the appearance of the skin. They are derived from fuits and milk and include lactic acid (from milk) citric acid, tartaric acid and glycolic acid (all from fruits). Glycolic acid skin care products are effective as glycolic acid has well known and largely undisputed beneficial effects on the skin. It has been found to improve dry skin, help to reduce the damage caused by the sun and is effective in treating acne scarring.

There is still some mystery as to how exactly glycolic acid works it's miracle. Current thought is that it does three things, reduces inflammation, promotes removal of dead skin and helps to moisturise. Together these help to make the skin look healthy and give it a good color.

Glycolic acid has been shown in many studies to improve the number of fine lines and wrinkles. Some studies suggest that the appearance of fine lines can be markedly improved in a s little as three weeks. Glycolic acid is also very good at improving the appearance of sun damaged skin and this has also been shown in studies. As a moisturiser glycolic acid is superb with some studies showing more than 200% increase in the skins moisture content after applying to the face for three weeks.

As glycolic acid skin care products need to be at a lower pH to be effective they can cause some irritation to sensitive skin. Lowering the concentration will reduce the irritation but also decrease their effectiveness. It is a good idea to use these products under the supervision of a dermatologist who can adjust the concentration individually to suit your skin. The concentration can often be slowly increased for more effective treatment as the skin becomes adapted.

1 comment:

  1. Such kind of information will help people to choose a skin care product which will be appropriate for their skin type. Many dermatologists suggest people to make use of organic skin care products.
